I've been incorporating a lot more art into my two year old's routine lately and we whipped this one up today after reading, If You Give a Pig a Pancake. Admittedly I put together most of the pig but it was a great opportunity to talk about shapes, sizes and counting, which we did before gluing him all together. I used a pink foam sheet and cut out three circles, small, medium and large for the nose, head and body, two triangles for the ears and two feet (whatever shape you would call that). Two googly eyes, a pink pipe cleaner for the tail (poke through front and tape the back side) and a Sharpie marker to draw on nostrils and a mouth. I used Tacky Glue to put him together, which worked great just needed a little drying time. The fact that he was made from a foam sheet instead of construction paper has made him much more durable thank goodness b/c my little guy has had a lot of fun with him today.
While pig was drying we did a second project of painting a plate of pancakes. Now my little man is CRAZY about pancakes so this project was right up his alley. I also like to give him some art projects that are more about the process than the actual finished product. We painted a yellow plate on a white piece of paper, glued construction paper pancakes to the plate (another opportunity to talk about counting - one of his favorite things lately) and painted red berry syrup on top. After the fact it dawned on me that using an actual paper plate to glue the pancakes on and painting syrup on top would've been great too.
Tomorrow is reptile day at the Library so I'm off to figure out what fun little project we can do about snakes.