Here's the newest creation...a simple reversible shoulder bag. I'm into reversible things if you couldn't tell. It's like getting two for one - gotta love that! It's a Tanya Whelan Metro Bag pattern you can buy over at her beautiful blog. The fabrics are hers as well from her Dolce line.
This bag was simple and easy to make and I'm sure I'll be making more. The only thing I did differently was that I didn't have medium weight sew-in interfacing so I substituted cotton flannel for interfacing. I'm sure it has a softer feel and look to it but I was desperate to sew something and I've been fighting a miserable head cold all week and there was no way I was leaving the house, so I used what I had.
I've been enjoying sewing again and I've managed to jot down a list of projects. Me and my lists are never ending. You can find them everywhere in my house, half a dozen stuffed in my purse, not to mention the ones I keep on my iphone. I'm an avid compulsive list taker. I suppose there are worse things. Anyway, I hope to get a bunch of things made before the baby comes, all my half finished projects, some new ones, and maybe even a few more Christmas presents. Well, we'll see how far I get.
Wow! I LOVE this bag...great fabric choices. Artful Quilter? I've really been itching to make one...maybe I'll try this one! I love reversible too.
Posted by: Jessica Gallo | July 23, 2010 at 07:52 AM
Thanks Jessica! I don't think the Artful Quilter carried any of her line this time around. I ordered them online at
I think they are out of a lot of her stuff though so you might have to try other places like, etc.
Posted by: dropdeadcute | July 23, 2010 at 10:34 AM
I need to make me one of these! Super cute!
Posted by: Michelle | July 23, 2010 at 09:02 PM
Adorable! Mamabee
Posted by: mama bee | July 30, 2010 at 12:06 AM