Yay! It's finished! This is the Joy Circle's Quilt from Febuary for do. good stitches charity bee. Yes I'm that behind. I have been a busy bee the last few weeks trying to catch up on my sewing projects. When the blocks first started rolling in and I put them up on my board I thought, "Oh my gosh, this is going to be one crazy looking quilt." But it all came together beautifully and I'm very happy with it.
Here's the back. You can see the quilting much better. I really like the random lines. It seems to fit the starbursts well.
I especially like the serendipitous stars that formed on the back. How fun it that?
Originally got the idea for this quilt over at FITF. She has her tutorial here. I also did up a tutorial of how I went about my blocks here.
Confession: I snapped some other photos of the quilt outside with my camera (these are from my iphone) but since my computer crashed and the one I'm borrowing doesn't have the camera software and I have no idea where it is, these are all I have right now. I hope to get the others up soon but I just couldn't wait any longer!